CapEd Educational Group

Helping students reach their academic goals since 1991

Our goal is to help you reach yours

Since 1991, the CapEd Educational Group has inspired students in North Carolina’s Piedmont Triad to achieve excellence in academics and standardized college entrance exams. We accomplish this every day by instilling confidence, filling knowledge gaps, and establishing the organizational and learning skills necessary to succeed in an ever intensifying secondary, collegiate, and post-graduate environment. We establish lasting relationships with the students and their families with the mission to ensure that students of all calibers succeed and achieve their personal best from elementary school through college.

Mastering SAT/ACT

Gain more confidence while learning more effective and efficient approaches to achieve your best score


No matter your academic level and horsepower, we all can use some help some time

AP Classes & Exam

Build a strong foundation of understanding throughout the school year and strive for 5s

College Admissions

Not sure where to start? Expert guidance to assemble an admissions package that gets optimal attention

Grad School Exams

It’s no secret; grad school acceptance is all about the test scores


Is your son or daughter having trouble with STEM related courses? Had trouble with Math (Math I, II,III or Pre-calc), Physics, Biology or Chemistry? Trust us they are not alone. Seems our country as a whole does not do well preparing high school students for careers...

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  By now NC CCRG (Career- and College-Ready Graduates) Program  (House Bill 97, 2015 Session) is hopefully on your radar. Implementation of this legislation is underway and, as currently written, will be fully implemented by Fall of 2018. Please Note: CCRG...

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    Goals matter - whether we reach them or not. They provide purpose and help set plans in motion for change. They can propel us forward when we would otherwise remain stagnant. Even small improvements count. When it comes to preparing for the SAT and ACT,...

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