(336) 287-4791 capedgrp@gmail.com

Services Menu

Book your 1-on-1, Seminar, or BootCamp directly

1-on-1 Sessions

capED offers 1-on-1 sessions for a variety of tests, as well as support for individual courses.  Click below to sign up for sessions!

Group Options

capED offers a variety of classes for the LSAT, MCAT, ACT, and SAT.  Seminars are multi-session courses designed to dive deep into an exam, while BootCamps are one- or two-day marathons designed to pack in as much learning as possible.  Sign up through one of the buttons below!


capED is proud to offer a wide selection of services, both in 1-on-1 scenarios or in groups.  If you are looking for preparation for a specific test or course, but would like a more in depth look at what services capED has to offer for you, please click the button below for your test.